I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
Community: The Pilot Episode
Happy Wine Wednesday! Matt of The Communies fan account joins me this week to talk about one of my absolute favorite shows and fandoms of all time - Community! Our conversation is part of the podcast's Boozy Beginnings AKA pilot project series in which we discuss the pilot episode of various tv shows.
Matt and I head over to Greendale and kick off our discussion with what drew us to Community, whether we we completed the series, and then the deep dive into the pilot. We start by talking about the pilot's introduction to two of the more memorable characters from the series - Craig Pelton and Greendale Community College. From there, we talk about our initial impressions of Jeff Winger and other memorable introductions to the study group members. We were both struck at how fully realized these characters clearly were from the very start. Y'all know I love a little lighthearted zodiac fun, so I asked Matt to identify his big three signs in the form of Community characters.
Although we were both huge fans of the episode, there were a few minor things we might do differently. Related to that topic, I asked Matt to share what his version of Community would look like if he were in charge of a revival or reboot of the show. No discussion of Community would be complete without talking "Six Seasons and a Movie" - so of course I asked what his Community movie would look like.
The main discussion closes with our thoughts on why you should keep watching, our favorite fandom moments, and we get a little less than wholesome with some fun Community-inspired thirst prompts.
Matt graciously stuck around and discussed overall thoughts about the series in a spoiler segment following the main discussion.
Thanks for listening! Friendly reminder - we drink, we know things, we use adult language, and we have a great time! Be sure to support the Communies account on Twitter. Follow the pod on IG and Twitter and send longer feedback to morewinepod@gmail.com.
Check out our prior episodes on She-Hulk, House of the Dragon, Justified, The Bob's Burgers Movie, Queer As Folk (2022), Fire Island, Looking, Minx, Sons of Anarchy,
Follow the pod on IG, Twitter (for now), and Tumblr.
We're also over on Blue Sky - find Candi, Jocelyn, and the pod.
Send longer feedback to morewinepod@gmail.com.
Find our full catalog of past episodes at morewinepod.buzzsprout.com.