I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
The Walking Dead Pilot - Days Gone Bye
Friendly reminder - we drink and we use adult language!
Don't want to hear us shoot the shit? Skip ahead to the 18:14 mark for the start of our discussion on The Walking Dead.
Happy Wine Wednesday! We are back with something new this week - The Pilot Project. The Pilot Project is a special series of episodes in the same vein of our Does It Hold Up series. In the Pilot Project, we will watch and discuss the pilot episodes of a variety of shows from the wildly popular to the cult classics. We are kicking off the series this week with the critically acclaimed pilot episode of The Walking Dead entitled - "Days Gone Bye."
This episode was lots of fun to record because Kristine is a newbie to the franchise and Jocelyn is 9 seasons in on The Walking Dead's zombie shenanigans. Before we get into Days Gone Bye, we shoot the shit a bit. Kristine asks Jocelyn about her recent attempts to date in the times of COVID. We also pay our respects to brilliance of Michael K. Williams.
From there we head to Georgia and join Rick Grimes on his journey into the zombie apocalypse. We share our overall thoughts on the episode and explore whether the pilot lives up to its reputation as being a master class in horror television. We talk about the brilliant use of silence in the pilot and the genius of Greg Nicotero's work on creating the zombies. Kristine enjoyed the pilot, but she isn't quite ready to become a horror fan and she had a lot of questions about Rick's decision making. We share what we liked about the pilot overall, as well as the sh*t we did not like. Duane and Carl are undoubtedly precious, but the performances from the child actors behind these characters left a little to be desired.
Next, we get into the pilot and explore the decisions made by the characters. Would you have taken in Rick Grimes? If you were Rick Grimes would you have taken so long to put on clothes around Morgan and Duane? How about Rick's choice to put on his work uniform instead of regular clothes? We had lots of thoughts on all of these questions. We also talk about Lori moving on after assuming Rick died and making the choice to do so with Shane.
We're talking about the zombie apocalypse so of course we had to get into our own personal escape plans. Kristine will be staying with friends while Jocelyn heads out to the family farm. We also talk zombie apocalypse weapons and Jocelyn urges Kristine to rethink her initial choice of weapon. We then discuss the challenges of dealing with loved ones while trying to survive and whether we would be able to make the hard choice to "put down" our reanimated loved ones.
We then shift to our thirst segment, which was a little light this week given the lack of actual live characters in the episode. We do a quick round of marry, f*ck, kill and then discuss the complications of sex during the zombie apocalypse.
The episode closes out with a spoiler segment in which Jocelyn gives Kristine a complete rundown on what happens with the characters we were introduced to in Days Gone Bye. We
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Find our full catalog of past episodes at morewinepod.buzzsprout.com.