I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
Love is Blind (US): Season 8, Eps 1-6 (Part 2)
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Happy Saturday! Candi is back with me to unpack the mess in the first six episode of Love is Blind (US) Season 8. In part two of our discussion, we discuss Dave/Lauren, Taylor/Daniel, and Madison/Meg/Alex/Mason. We are astonished that Dave had not one but two suitors despite his terrible attempts at humor and nonstop parade of verbal red flags. As for Taylor and Daniel, we think Taylor's hesitation had way more to do with her attraction (or lack thereof) to her fiancé, particularly given that Taco Bell and Christmas aren't exactly what one would consider "unique" interests. And finally, we get into the villainy of Miss Madison and I try to convince Candi of why she should be celebrating the man-eater who is making some amazing television.
Thanks so much for listening.
Friendly reminder - we drink, we know things, we use adult language, and we have a great time. Looking for more reality tv coverage? Check out our episodes on The Traitors (US) Season 3 at the link to the full catalog below.
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Find our full catalog of past episodes at morewinepod.buzzsprout.com.