I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
Love is Blind (US): Season 8, Eps 1-6 (Part 1)
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TGIF! Candi is back with me to unpack the mess in the first six episode of Love is Blind (US) Season 8. In this first part of our two part discussion, we talk about Joey/Monica, Devin/Virginia, and Ben/Sara. We're not sure how we're feeling about the vibes this season. We're a bit bored at times, but religion and politics have certainly added some interesting layers.
Part 2 will be out tomorrow!
Thanks so much for listening.
Friendly reminder - we drink, we know things, we use adult language, and we have a great time.
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We're also over on Blue Sky - find Candi, Jocelyn, and the pod.
Send longer feedback to morewinepod@gmail.com.
Find our full catalog of past episodes at morewinepod.buzzsprout.com.