I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
Interview with the Vampire - Season 2 Finale
Happy Wine Wednesday! Terence is back with me to wrap up our coverage of the SPECTACULAR second season of AMC's Interview with the Vampire. This was truly a bittersweet occasion because I have had such a blast talking to Terence about this amazing show and I'm sad to say farewell (for now) to the show and to my weekly chats with Terence about it.
We had a lot of fun talking about these messy vampires in this finale episode. We start the episode by delighting in Louis getting his lick back and serving up some fiery revenge to those coven bastards for what they did to Claudia and Madeline. And of course we talk about the brilliance of Jacob Anderson as he captures Louis's madness. That final showdown with Santiago was EVERYTHING. Ben Daniels will truly be missed, but what a sendoff that was for his character who got the whackings he deserved from Louis.
Next we talk about the SHOCKING revelations about the trial, which came as no surprise because Armand has repeatedly been revealed to be a lying liar who lies. We can't say enough good things about this cast, including the delight that Eric Bogosian brings to Daniel Molloy as he calmly and methodically ramps up to reveal to Louis that it was Lestat who saved him.
We can't wait to see that home wrecking Daniel Molloy adjust to life as a vampire in Season 3. Speaking of Season 3, we are SO ready for rock star Lestat and to see where things stand with Louis. The Loustat reunion scene was so beautifully acted, so y'all know we had lots to say about it.
Thanks so much for listening to our coverage! Friendly reminder - we drink, we know things, we use adult language, and we have a great time!
Be sure to follow and support Terence here: his website, his Twitter account, and his IG. You can also check out my fun discussion with him about the Looking pilot here. And don't miss our chat about IWTV season 1, which you can find here.
Don't miss recent episodes on House of the Dragon Season 2 and Bridgerton Season 3.
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We're also over on Blue Sky - find Candi, Jocelyn, and the pod.
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