I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
House of the Dragon Season 2, Episode 1
Happy House of the Dragon Sunday, lovely listeners! The fabulous Maddie returned to the podcast this week to kick off our coverage of Season 2 of the Targaryen soap opera. As always, Maddie provides the best insights as a book reader, so you know I had to ask them to unpack all things blood and cheese. We also talk about Alicnet's dalliances and alliances, Aegon as a leader, and our introduction to Cregan Stark.
Thank you so much for listening!
Friendly reminder - we drink, we know things, we use adult language, and we have a good time!
Follow Maddie on Twitter, IG, and Twitch.
Don't miss my coverage with Terence of the FANTASTIC second season of Interview with the Vampire. Here's the link to the latest episode [link] and don't miss our discussion about episodes 1-2, 3 and 4.
And check out my discussion with Candi about the final four episodes of Bridgerton's third season.
Follow the pod on IG, Twitter (for now), and Tumblr.
We're also over on Blue Sky - find Candi, Jocelyn, and the pod.
Send longer feedback to morewinepod@gmail.com.
Find our full catalog of past episodes at morewinepod.buzzsprout.com.