I'ma Need More Wine Podcast

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2

Jocelyn and Candi Episode 125

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Happy Wine Wednesday! Candi returned this week to discuss the second half of Bridgerton Season 3.  The discussion kicks off with an "apologies, errors, and omissions" segment in which I take myself to task for context from the first two seasons of the series that I did not have available to me when we discussed the first part of Season 3.  I've now watched the full series and wanted to flag key plot points that definitely shaped my thoughts on the rest of Season 3.

Candi and I then discuss our thoughts on the Lady Whistledown reveal, all things Polin, Francesca's potential love triangle, and some of the other secondary plots.  We talk about what we think is up next for the Bridgertons - Benedict is LONG overdue for his own season.

The discussion - as well as me finally watching the first two seasons - left us with a lot of things we wanted to say about the series as a whole.  Candi has graciously agreed to come back for another round of Bridgerton talk, so stay tuned for that!

Friendly reminder - we drink, we know things, we use adult language, and we have a great time.

Don't  miss my coverage with Terence of the FANTASTIC second season of Interview with the Vampire.  Here's the link to the latest episode [link] and don't miss our discussion about episodes 1-2, 3 and 4.

Did you miss my chat with Candi about the first half of Bridgerton Season 3? Follow this >>>link<<<.

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