I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
Grand Crew: Season 2 Recap
Happy Wine Wednesday! Candi is back and this week we are discussing the spectacular second season of NBC's Grand Crew. Y'all know from our season 1 discussion that we love this show and the second season only deepened our appreciation for it.
Grand Crew continues to be a perfect comfort show. The writers did an amazing job at highlighting the chemistry among this spectacularly talented cast.
We talk about our favorite character arcs, standout episodes and shared what we thought worked well during the season. And of course we discussed the shocking departure of Grasie Mercedes. We want Fay back!
We are determined to manifest a well deserved renewal for Grand Crew, so we talked about our wish list for season 3. And as always, the discussion wraps on a thirsty note.
Friendly reminder - we drink, we know things, we use adult language, and we have a great time.
Find and follow Candi on Twitter here.
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We're also over on Blue Sky - find Candi, Jocelyn, and the pod.
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Find our full catalog of past episodes at morewinepod.buzzsprout.com.