I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
The Last of Us Episode 6 - Tommy Byke!
Happy Wine Wednesday! Our regular coverage of HBO's The Last of Us continues with our discussion about episode 6, "Kin." Tommy returns with a wife (portrayed by the fantastic Rutina Wesley) and baby on the way and all three managed to make it out of this episode alive - hooray!
Candi and I unpack the dynamic between the newly reunited brothers. We had a lot of questions about what exactly Tommy told Maria about his early apocalypse days with Joel. I had some questions about the brothers' newly found accents because the twang was a little thick and not something I'd noticed in the pilot.
We also share our impressions of Maria - it was truly a Black History Month miracle that she managed to make it out of this episode alive and her family intact to boot.
Of course we get into the growth of Joel and Ellie's friendship and share what we would teach Ellie about from the pre-2003 world.
In honor of reunions and loving relationships featured in the episode, the thirst segment discussion centers on the celebrity crush we would endure a long, taxing trip across several states to get to against all odds.
Until next time! Friendly reminder that we drink, we know things, we use adult language, and we have a really great time.
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