I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
Sh*t You Should Be Watching: Primo
Happy Wine Wednesday! Philip of Fandom Bite/Fandom Slash returns to the podcast this week to discuss the delightful Amazon Freevee series, Primo. As we wisely counseled you in the past about shows such as Grand Crew, Abbott Elementary, and Wu-Tang: An American Saga, this is some sh*t you should absolutely be watching. "Freevee" means this show is FREE with very minimal commercials, so there is absolutely nothing keeping you from checking it out. You can find it here.
Primo is a heartwarming, funny show based on the life of the show's creator Shea Serrano. Philip and I discuss the pilot and then share our thoughts about the first season as a whole. Of course we tackle the very difficult task of figuring out which uncle is our favorite. We love the uncles as an exploration into masculinity and the respective points of view they bring to their relationship with Rafa. We also discuss our thoughts about Rafa and Drea - the casting for both of these characters was absolutely perfect.
We really hope this wonderful show gets another season. Pay the writers and actors so we can get more of this delightful family! In that spirit, we close the discussion with our wish list for season 2. And in the thirst segment, I asked Philip to give me some thirst-inspired choices for actors he'd like to see join this very talented cast.
Friendly reminder - we drink, we know things, we use adult language, and we have a great time!
Find, follow, and support Philip here, over at Fandom Bite here, and on IG here.
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We're also over on Blue Sky - find Candi, Jocelyn, and the pod.
Send longer feedback to morewinepod@gmail.com.
Find our full catalog of past episodes at morewinepod.buzzsprout.com.