I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
I'ma Need More Wine Podcast
Thor: Love and Thunder
Happy Wine Wednesday! We are back with a new episode and a new guest this week. Abbey rejoins me and brings along another amazing person I've met through them - Lauren. Lauren is part-time freelance writer and full-time Marvel nerd based out of New York. We all LOVE Thor, so I was delighted to expand the podcast universe of Thor lovers.
Tipsy warning - I had a margarita cocktail in a bottle this week and it shows!
5:06 - We discuss Love and Thunder's opening and how tonally different it is from Ragnarok.
8:40 - Thoughts on what message - if any - Taika is sending about religion. Particularly in light of the film's opening.
16:03 - Reflections on how Taika's imprint on the Thor-verse. We share favorite comedic moments, the visual aesthetic that is unique to Thor thanks to Taika, was there too much Guns N' Roses, and action sequences
56:31 - Abbey and Lauren share their thoughts on the exploration of grief in Love and Thunder. Did this film make up for the sins of Endgame?
1:25:25 - The Jane of it all. I also go on a bit of a rant about Gorr and my dislike for his origin story.
2:18:07 - Thoughts on whiny dude bros and whether the film is inclusive enough.
2:29:25 - Thirst Segment - MCU Orgy!
Be sure to give our amazing guests support on social media:
You can find Abbey on Twitter and on Instagram. And check out Lauren on Twitter here.
As you know - we drink, we know things, we use adult language, and we have a fun time.
Thanks so much for listening!
Follow the pod on IG, Twitter (for now), and Tumblr.
We're also over on Blue Sky - find Candi, Jocelyn, and the pod.
Send longer feedback to morewinepod@gmail.com.
Find our full catalog of past episodes at morewinepod.buzzsprout.com.